Reports to the Joint Commission
Employees may complain to the Joint Commission about a patient safety event or concern about a health care organization in the following ways:
Online: Submit a NEW patient safety event or concern
Online: Submit an UPDATE or ASK a Question about your incident (You must have your incident number)
Joint Commission does not accept faxed or emailed submissions.
Mail to:
Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181
If you have care concerns regarding the Cedar Park Group, contact Joint Commission. No retaliation will be taken if reports are made to the Joint Commission and the agency.
Reports of patient safety events to The Joint Commission must include the health care organization’s name, street address, city, and state. In the course of evaluating a report, The Joint Commission may share the information with the organization that is the subject of the report.
Those who submit a patient safety event report to The Joint Commission can do so anonymously. As an alternative, they can confidentially provide their name and contact information. This enables The Joint Commission to contact them at a later time for more information if necessary and to confirm how the report is ultimately handled.